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LDP series fluidized bed coating machine

LDP series fluidized bed coating machine

Equipment features: bottom spray fluidization, materials have strict running track, so uniform and continuous coating of powder particles, pills to mask odor, moisture-proof, oxidation proof, waterproof, heat proof, color isolation, etc. can be obtained without coating material loss, low production cost, short route for fog particles to reach materials, no "spray drying" problem, cylindrical acceleration container or inverted cone deceleration design, feasible particles, large particles, small particles, micro particles


Equipment characteristics

Bottom jet fluidization, material has strict operating trajectory, thus obtaining uniform and continuous coating film

Coating with powder particles, pill masking, moisture resistance, oxidation resistance, waterproofing, heat resistance, color isolation, etc

No loss of coating materials and low production costs

The route of fog particles to materials is short, so there is no danger of "spray drying"

Cylindrical acceleration container or inverted cone deceleration design, feasible for particle, large particle, small particle, and micro pellet coating

Excellent material dispersion and no adhesion phenomenon

Application Overview

Fluidized bed coating machine is a new type of particle coating equipment that organically combines fluidization coating technology and spray technology. It is widely used for film slow and controlled release, skeleton slow and controlled release capsules, pill coating, particle and powder coating.

CapacityKg/batch4 ~ 610 ~ 2025 ~ 4040 ~ 8080 ~ 150150 ~ 250By URS
Volume of containerL1550100220360650
Power of fanKw45.57.51518.522



compressed air

m 3 /min0.



Size of installation for referenceH 1 (mm)260028503150325035003800
H 2 (mm)
H 3 (mm)
B 1 (mm)101011601460166020602260
B 2 (mm)156018602460286036604060
φ 1 (mm)5507001000120016001800
φ 2 (mm)180250250280280315

Copyright: Changzhou Yuanze Drying Equipment Co., Ltd
Address: Zhenglu Town Industrial Park, Tianning District, Changzhou City  Contact person: Zhang Xingqian
Phone: +86519-81182602  Fax: +86519-81182602  Website: www.yzdryer. com